Xavier Franquesa

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Xavier Franquesa Llopart ( Barcelona , 1947 ) is a painter, professor of Spanish art theory. 1


He was one of the members of the Grup de Treball , (1973-1975), who claimed the social function of art through creative action.As a painter he started in minimalist painting to later move on to an approach to conceptual art in the late 70s and figurative already in the 80s.

He is currently Professor of Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona . He has published several articles on art criticism in La Vanguardia .


He is considered as one of the Catalan artists who with more critical capacity face the traditional pictorial genres, treating them from a fully contemporary vision and from a great capacity of sensorial transmission.

There are works of his in several outstanding collections, such as the "la Caixa" Foundation , the Vitoria Museum and the Reina Sofía Museum .