Rafael Zabaleta

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Rafael Zabaleta Fuentes ( Quesada , Jaen , 6 as November as 1907 - ibid , 24 as June as 1960 ) was a painter Spanish .


He was born into a wealthy family. In 1925 he traveled to Madrid to study at the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Two years later he is appointed Delegate of the National Artistic Treasure. After the Civil War, he was denounced and briefly went through the concentration camp of Santiago de Calatrava and the jail of Jaén . 1 In this period he seized a series of drawings about the Civil War that would begin 3 years before. Of his trips to Paris he met Picasso and relevant Spanish painters of the time. In 1951 his hometown granted him the title of Favorite Son. In 1960 presents in the Spanish pavilion at the XXX Venice Biennale a series of 16 oil paintings and 10 drawings, it would be his most important exhibition. On June 24, 1960, he died in Quesada for a cerebral hemorrhage, having survived a heart attack during a stay in Almeria.

Pictorial style 

His style ranges from Expressionism Gloomy, in his first time, the Rutilante Expressionism led to a Postcubism with Picasso influences, from 1950 and which gives it its identity. The most important collection of his works is in the Zabaleta Museum , of his hometown. Currently his paintings are exhibited today in the most prestigious museums in the world (Buenos Aires, New York, Tokyo, Spain ...). The Masaveu family has some of his work.

Outstanding works 

  • Reaper , 1941
  • Harvesters in the era and Ceres , 1943
  • Harvesters , 1947
  • Pilgrimage of Tíscar , 1949
  • Peasant , 1950
  • Maternity , 1952
  • Peasant Family , 1957
  • Procession of Our Lady of Tíscar , 1957
  • The Satyr , 1958
  1. Firi Xiomara SG: Last King <3